Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sweet poem from sweet one

Thooralum illai,
Malia saaralum illai,
Aanaalum naan mattum, Nanainthu pogiren.
Un Anbenum Ithaya saaralil.
My love is not sunflower because it depends on sun,
My love is not lilly because it depends on moon,
My love depends only on you sweetheart, because it depends on you!
I wrote your name in paper, but water drops rubbed your name!
I wrote your name in soil, but rain rubbed it!
I wrote your on beach sand, but waves erased it...!
But now I wrote your name in "My heart" so no one can erase or destroy it.
The path that leads to happiness is so narrow,
two of us cannot walk on it unless we become one...

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